
Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Carlos Ruiz Zafon · Septembers lys(Kobo/電子書) · Szeptemberi fények(Kobo/電子書) · El Laberint dels Esperits(Kobo/電子書) · El Presoner del Cel(Kobo/電子書) · L' ...

Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Carlos Ruiz Zafón is the author of The Prisoner of Heaven, The Angel's Game, The Shadow of the Wind, The Mist Trilogy, Marina and September Lights.


卡洛斯·鲁依斯·萨丰(西班牙语:Carlos Ruiz Zafón,—2020年6月19日),又译卡洛斯•路依兹•扎丰,西班牙小说家,生于巴塞罗那,原任职于广告界,后赴美定居,经常 ...

Carlos Ruiz Zafón (Author of The Shadow of the Wind)

Carlos Ruiz Zafón was a Spanish novelist known for his 2001 novel La sombra del viento (The Shadow of the Wind). The novel sold 15 million copies and was ...

Carlos Ruiz Zafon | Carlos Ruiz Zafón Author

Carlos Ruiz Zafón is the author of six novels, including the international phenomenon The Shadow of the Wind, and The Angel's Game. His work has been published ...

卡洛斯.魯依斯.薩豐(Carlos Ruiz Zafon)

全球最多人閱讀的西班牙作家 1964年生於巴塞隆納,原任職於廣告界,亦曾從事電影編劇,後赴美定居,經常往返洛杉磯與巴塞隆納。 薩豐以「遺忘書之墓」系列小說席捲全球書 ...

作者-Carlos Ruiz Zafón

博客來搜尋,作者,關鍵字:Carlos Ruiz Zafón,分類:全館,氤氳之城【當代最受歡迎西班牙作家薩豐,獻給書迷的告別故事集】,氤氳之城【當代最受歡迎西班牙作家薩豐, ...

Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Carlos Ruiz Zafón was a Spanish novelist known for his 2001 novel La sombra del viento The novel sold 15 million copies and was winner of numerous awards; ... The Shadow of the Wind · The Labyrinth of Spirits · The Prince of Mist


CarlosRuizZafon·Septemberslys(Kobo/電子書)·Szeptemberifények(Kobo/電子書)·ElLaberintdelsEsperits(Kobo/電子書)·ElPresonerdelCel(Kobo/電子書)·L' ...,CarlosRuizZafónistheauthorofThePrisonerofHeaven,TheAngel'sGame,TheShadowoftheWind,TheMistTrilogy,MarinaandSeptemberLights.,卡洛斯·鲁依斯·萨丰(西班牙语:CarlosRuizZafón,—2020年6月19日),又译卡洛斯•路依兹•扎丰,西班牙小说家,生于巴塞罗那,原任职于...